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Cypherpunk Heroes

MoneroKon Sponsorship Policy

Our vision and mission

Monero Konferenco (“MoneroKon”) is an open and welcoming conference that seeks to create a fun and conducive environment for the free exchange ideas. We rely on the generosity of anonymous donors of the Monero community and sponsors to achieve our funding goals. MoneroKon participants have a variety of political, social, and economic views, yet, we all come together for the common purpose of advancing a peer-to-peer electronic cash system that is private by default, decentralized, and secure.

This policy has been devised to ensure clarity and openness in the sponsorship selection process.

Guiding Principles

MoneroKon will respectfully decline sponsorship offers from businesses that:

  • have products or services, which pose a reputational risk to Monero or MoneroKon
  • engage in surveillance exploitation
  • are affinity scams, pyramid schemes, or engage in other forms of fraud
  • are violators of human rights
  • have products or services considered to be gambling or games of chance
  • promote hate, violence, racial or other forms of intolerance
  • offer sexually oriented services or products
  • manufacture ammunition, firearms, or weapons
  • sale drug paraphernalia
  • are state-owned enterprises
  • are a party to high-profile legal disputes
  • known to engage in unethical commercial practices (e.g. misleading product information, poor working conditions, false advertising, bribery, unfair competition)
  1. Company sends email to
  2. MoneroKon representative informs company of available sponsorship package, pricing, and this community selection process.
  3. If company is interested in becoming a sponsor, the representative adds an item to agenda of the weekly planning meeting that is held in IRC/Matrix #monerokon.
  4. The representative conducts a due diligence check of company with the search of public records for background information, complaints, and/or reviews regarding company’s products or service.
  5. In the meeting, the representative reports discovered information on company
  6. After which, the Community will vote whether or not to accept the company as a sponsor: +1 to approve, -1 to reject, 0 to abstain
  7. After counting all votes, if the motion has a positive number, the company is accepted as a sponsor.
  8. If the number is negative or 0, company is rejected
  9. The representative informs company of result of the vote.
  10. If company is accepted as a sponsor, sponsorship slots are allocated to companies on a first come, first served basis
  11. T.E. z.s. (a non-profit assocation MoneroKon is using for contracting with the venue and suppliers) will send out an invoice for the selected sponsorship package within 5 business days.
  12. After T.E. z.s. has confirmed the payment of the invoice, the company is added to the MoneroKon website as a sponsor and a public acknowledgement will be tweeted out from @monerokon account.

At anytime, if facts or circumstances call in to question the reliability, integrity of a sponsor, or through acts/omissions violate the Monero Konferenco Guiding Principles, the sponsor may be expelled by majority vote of regularly attending community meeting partipants and known Monero contributors. Any monetary or in-kind products/services contributions shall be returned to the sponsor and all references to said sponsor expunged from Monero Konferenco website and marketing materials.

T.E. (MoneroKon organizing team) does not endorse, support, or condone the actions, beliefs, or affiliations of its sponsors. T.E. does not assume any liability for their actions, statements, or conduct. If you have any concerns about our sponsorship policies, please contact us at

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